Play Group 2 years old | Nagoya School

Establishing the Foundations for Growth "Play Group 2-years old"

In their small bodies, children have a wealth of unlimited potential concealed.
To allow each child's individuality and abilities to flower, Play Group provides safe and pleasant environments for children to play in.
Having children relate to friends of the same age in appealing environments establishes the foundation for them to learn cooperation and social skills.

Play Group 2 years old | Nagoya School

Play Group 2 years old | Nagoya School

Program Features

Educational environments allow children to be relaxed while active.

Classes in which the children are put in a warm and relaxing environment, separated from their mothers, heightening intellectual interest through activities with their friends.

Classes respond to children's intellectual curiosity.

Activities are instituted flexibly, in response to children's intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness, which develop as a sense of self becomes established, heightening the desire to understand the “what” and “why” of things. Children's concepts and ideas are valued,nurturing their creativity.

A wealth of educational materials with which to play.

An abundance of play equipment and handmade educational materials are available that meet children’s developmental stages and varied interests. Systems are also adopted that enable children to play independently.

Program Features

Copyright Kawaijuku-Gakuen Educational Foundation